Out of an abundance of caution and increasing unsafe conditions, with snow and freezing temperatures across the District that would prohibit the safe transportation of students to school, all schools will be CLOSED today, February 2nd. This is NOT a remote day. All after school and evening programming is canceled as well.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Due to snow packed roads and icy conditions across the District, all schools are on a 2-hour delay to provide additional time for buses to safely transport students to schools. This means that buses will run 2 hours later than during normal times. If you drop your child off at school, please remember that staff will also be on a two-hour delay. Full day Pre-K programs are also on a two hour delay. Morning Pre-K programs have been canceled. Afternoon Pre-K programs will operate on a regular schedule.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
The new SFPS Weekly Bulletin is here! January 28 SFPS Bulletin: Calling All Subs! https://bit.ly/bulletin1-28
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
SFPS Weekly Bulletin logo
Due to icy conditions and snow packed roads in the District that would prohibit the safe transportation of students to school, all schools will be CLOSED. This is NOT a remote learning day and all after school programs are cancelled.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Due to icy and snow packed roads across the District, all schools are on a 2-hour delay (Friday, January 28th) to provide additional time for buses to safely transport students to schools. This means that buses will run 2 hours later than during normal times. If you drop your child off at school, please remember that staff will also be on a two-hour delay. Full day Pre-K programs are also on a two hour delay. Please check sfps.info, local radio or television stations for any updates.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Icy and snow-packed roads in some areas of the district require us to implement a 2-hour delay today (1/26/22) in order to safely transport students to all schools across the district. This means that buses will run 2 hours later than during normal times. If you drop your child off at school, please remember that staff will also be on a two-hour delay. Full day Pre-K programs are also on a two hour delay. Morning Pre-K programs have been canceled. Afternoon Pre-K programs will operate on a regular schedule.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
SFPS is hosting a pop up vaccination clinic at Desert Sage for students and staff this Saturday, January 22nd from 10 AM - 3 PM! Please register through vaccinenm.org. They will have both Pfizer and Moderna adult and pediatric doses.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
SFPS will return students to in-person learning on Monday, January 24th, Superintendent Hilario “Larry” Chavez announced today. Read the full bulletin here: https://conta.cc/3AkrBCE
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Starting today, you can now order free at-home COVID-19 test kits from the government. Every household can order 4 at-home tests. To order, visit https://special.usps.com/testkits. Reminder: these tests are not accepted by NMPED and will still require staff and students to receive a PCR test result.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
The new SFPS bulletin is here! Visit https://bit.ly/bulletin1-14 to read the full bulletin!
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
SFPS Weekly Bulletin logo
There is a Special SFPS Bulletin now available! Visit https://bit.ly/1-11SpecialBulletin to read the bulletin.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Quote from Superintendent Chavez about closing of schools
In order to be proactive in the midst of this pandemic, SFPS recommends that all students and staff wear KN95 or surgical masks beginning today. School staff will have masks available.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Vaccines are occurring on Saturday and Sunday (1/8 & 1/9) from FEMA Team at the Santa Fe Fairgrounds, located at 3229 W. Rodeo Road, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Pfizer vaccine and booster will be administered for ages 12-15 and 15 and above. The Pfizer pediatric vaccine for ages 5-11 will also be administered. It is recommended to register in advance at vaccinenm.org but it is not required. More locations: https://bit.ly/COVIDVaccineSF
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
A threat on Friday to school safety “for every school in the USA” is circulating on TikTok and in districts nationwide. We do not believe the threat is credible and are closely monitoring this, working with city and county authorities. The safety of staff and students is our priority.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
The 2021 SFPS State of the Schools premieres in 15 minutes! Tune in here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sxzrnDWUFA
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Santa Fe Public Schools State of the Schools Logo
The Santa Fe Public Schools 2021 State of the Schools will premiere on Monday, December 13th at 6 PM on our Youtube! To watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sxzrnDWUFA
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Santa Fe Public Schools State of the Schools Logo
Next Week Only: Schools will be in remote learning on Tuesday to slow the spread of COVID. Please follow COVID protocols at family gatherings so your kids return to school healthy on November 29th!
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
REMINDER: The 2022-23 Transfer Lottery is open! Visit bit.ly/SFPSTransferLottery for more information!
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
Transfer Lottery Flyer
Loteria de transferencia flyer
REMINDER: The 2022-23 Transfer Lottery is open! Visit bit.ly/SFPSTransferLottery for more infomration!
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
The SFPS COVID-19 Dashboard is live! Visit bit.ly/SFPSDashboard to view the dashboard.
about 3 years ago, Cody Dynarski
SFPS COVID-19 Dashboard